



(以下内容取材自强伟城編,”加州房地产法规与实务”,欢迎选购 (626)585-8998 )
{ Most contents in this section were selected from Chapter 22: Property Management ( page 529-533 ) in “ Reference Book “ , BRE , 2010 }

6.12.A: Management 產業管理

6.12.1: Property Management

“Property management is a specialty in which real estate brokers manage homes and duplexes as well as large projects such as office and industrial complexes, shopping centers, apartment houses, and condominiums.”


6.12.2: Knowledge 豐富的知識

“Reasonable knowledge and understanding of the general principles and responsibilities relating to this field is appropriate for all brokers and salespersons. Knowledge of agency, contracts, fair housing, rentals and leases satisfies a considerable portion of property management requirements. Additional knowledge is required in business administration, marketing, purchasing, extensions of credit, accounting, advertising, insurance, repairs and maintenance, taxation and public relations.”


6.12.3: Function 産業管理經紀的職務

“The many and varied duties of a property manager require the skills of a business executive, decorator, salesperson, parking lot attendant, gardener, housekeeper, information center, accountant, banker, doctor, lawyer, social director, psychologist, marriage counselor, baby sitter, bookkeeper, rent collector, maintenance expert, security officer, keeper of the keys, telephone operator, messenger service, and complaint department. The manager must also be soft-spoken, fast-moving, poised, quick-thinking, non-tiring, ever-available, mechanical-minded, all-knowing and never-ailing. This “expert” knows how to visit without visiting, sell without selling, see without judging,
hear without repeating – and all without having time for an uninterrupted meal. The property manager has a dual responsibility: to the owner or client who is interested in the highest return from the property; and to the tenants, who are interested in the best value for their money, including reasonable safety measures and compliance with fair housing laws.”


“The property manager must promptly rent the property/units at the highest market rent possible, keep operational and other costs within budget, and preserve and enhance the physical value and prestige of the property.”


6.12.4: Specific Duties 産業的管理的職責

“Here are some of the specific duties a property manager must perform:
1. Establish the rental schedule that will bring the highest yield consistent with good economics.
2. Merchandise the space and collect the rent.
3. Create and supervise maintenance schedules and repairs.
4. If applicable, insure independent contractor status.
5. Set up payroll system for all employees.
6. Develop a tenant/resident relations policy.
7. Supervise employees and develop employee policies, including an Injury
Prevention Plan.
8. Maintain proper records and make regular reports to the owner.
9. Qualify and investigate a prospective tenant’s credit.
10. Prepare and execute leases.
11. Obtain decorating specifications and secure estimates.
12. Hire, instruct, and maintain satisfactory personnel to staff the building(s).
13. Audit and pay bills.
14. Advertise and publicize vacancies through selected media and broker lists.
15. Recommend alterations and modernization as the market dictates.
16. Inspect vacant space frequently.
17. Keep abreast of the times and competitive market conditions.
18. Obtain and pay insurance premiums and taxes.
19. Be knowledgeable about and comply with applicable Federal, State and local laws.”

1. 他必須熟悉市場知道産業出租的行情。
2. 他必須要把一些出租的産業,整理好,然後上市出租,同時每個月按時徵收租金。
3. 他必須要對於房子的修理的情況要有一個整盤的修理計劃。
4. 他必須有一批修理的員工,這些員工都是獨立有執照的修理員工, 隨時可以來修理發生的突發狀態。
5. 他必須要對於屬下的直接員工,有一個薪水的政策,
6. 他必須有建立房東與房客親和關係的政策,比如說建議房東過年過節寫信問候等等。
7. 他必須對他手下的員工在修理房子的時候,或者是對於外面請來的,獨立的整修的員工,在他們修理的時候,要有預防受傷的對策。
8. 他必須對於所有的收入房租,以及修房子所支出的開銷,作一個詳細的收支記錄,隨時或者固定向業主報告。
9. 他必須要經常或者是在每個房客要申請的時候,嚴格的檢查房客的信用;(現在,在美國常常有一種叫作職業的房客,專門來欺騙房東,來騙房租的,所以作爲一個經紀人對於這種情況,經紀人一定要小心。)
10. 他必須要把租約的內容準備好,同時要解釋給房東,房客聽,然後由房東房客簽定租約。(簽定租約時候,如果你的産業是屬於住家的,要有住家合約,如果是工廠,就工廠的合約,商業是商業合約,每一種産業,因爲他的性質不同,所以所簽的租約也不同。)
11. 如果房子需要內部的裝修,或者是改塗油漆整理,這個都必須要有一個適當的估價。(有時候房客搬出去以後,房子狀況不是很好,所以經理人說不定要重新油漆或者是換地毯,或者是讓房子能夠保持好的迹象)
12. 要是屬於商業的大樓,或是屬於大的購物中心,或者是大的工業區,那么這個房地産管理的管理人,要請適當的大樓管理人,在現場作管理;如果是屬於有16個單位以上的公寓的話,按照法律的規定,必須要請一個住在公寓裏的現場的房客,來作爲住地的經理,來做就近的服務,這些都是屬於産業管理經理的主要職責。
13. 要檢查、查帳,對於這些修理員工所開來的帳單,對不對,要把它作爲審查,同時要按時來付這些帳單。
14. 如果有任何空屋的情況,不管是住家還是商業,還是工廠,要在廣告預算的範圍之內刊登廣告,或者透過媒體,或者是上市,來把這個消息發佈出去,使房子能夠儘快的租出去。
15. 如果房子的本身需要維修,或者是部分改建的狀況,經理人也必須提出他的一個計劃、辦法或者估價。
16. 他要經常檢查空屋的狀況。(房子搬出去以後還沒有租掉之前,這個時候要經常去檢查,看看有沒有火爐開了,有很多經紀人,或者別人去看房子的時候,他打開了火了,門忘了關了,打開了瓦斯啦,等等,這種情況都要經常去檢查。我們過去,管一個購物中心,結果一個禮拜沒去檢查,裏面就住了幾個無家可歸的人,就把房子弄得非常的亂,有時候幾個無家可歸的人,就把房子弄得非常的亂,有時候無家可歸的人會燒火取暖,把房子給燒掉了,這也是過去有過的狀況。所以經理人必須要經常來檢查這些空屋,不能夠被別人來侵犯或者産生非常的損壞,這是非常的重要。
17. 要把房子的狀況,保持在市場能夠競爭的狀況條件,換句話說,房子要整理的很好,才能在市面上出租,保持最高的價格。
18. 對於保險單或者是稅單,要幫房東按時付稅單、保險單,如果你沒有收到保險單和稅單,就要去追,如果不追而忘掉的話,房東也沒收到,你也沒收到,稅單不見了,這個時候不但有罰款,而且可能會造成債權擺在産業上,引起非常多的麻煩。
19. 産業管理的經理,必須對聯邦,州以及地方的法規,非常的瞭解;聯邦有許多的規定,有關於公平住屋法;有關於出租;有關於房客的保障;有于權益的保障,有關於種族歧視等等;這些東西都不能夠違背,如違背的話,那很可能業主被告歧視,如果一但被法院判決罰款的話,那麽很可能連房子賣了還不夠賠錢。所以這是非常非常危險的事情,一個産業管理人,如果對於法律不懂的話, 這種人根本沒有資格來作管理。所以希望所有的業主要注意這一點,不要隨隨便便找一個經理人幫你管理産業。那是把你自己的財産拿去給經紀人開玩笑,非常注意。


6.12.5: Management Contract 管理合約

“It is good business practice for a property manager to have a written contract with the property owner which clearly sets forth the responsibilities of both parties. This should include the terms and period of the contract, the policies pertaining to the management of the premises, management fees, and the authority and powers that are given by the owner to the agent. Standard management agreement forms are available covering the management of rental properties. Building managers should have a special agency contract drawn up by a qualified legal adviser.”



6.12.6: Agent’s Duty 經紀人的職責

“Imposed upon an agent, as well as those specifically included in the contract. Such obligations include good faith and loyalty to the principal, performance of all duties with skill, care and due diligence, full disclosure of all pertinent facts, avoidance of commingling of funds, and refraining from personal profits without the principal’s full knowledge and consent. The agent must be familiar with the laws concerning real estate licensing, contracts, agency, fair housing, employment, property protection, and tenant/landlord relationships.”

第1,你對於業主要非常的忠實,以他的利益爲利益,而不能私下裏去有尋私的工作;第2,你必須要對所有的職責要非常小心、仔細謹慎的態度處理,不可有任何疏忽的職責;其次,你必須對於房子所發生的各種狀況,各種房客所提出來的要求,以及你可能的危險性,都要跟你的房東報告。討論如何處理,另外,你所收來的房租、定金,必須要放在房東的信託帳戶裏,而不能夠把這個錢跟你自己公司的錢互相混淆,這是違法的。另外假如你從房租裏面,或者是從修理房租的時候,拿到了任何的回扣。比如你要修理房子,交給某某人,某某人就給你回扣,或者報酬 ,這種都是違法,你必須要向業主呈報。除此之外,作爲一個經紀人,必須要對於,執照的法規,合約的法規,經紀的法規,公平合約的法規,就業勞工的法規,財産的保護的法規,房東與房客糾紛關係的法規,這些法規都要非常的熟悉。這樣才能夠承擔作爲一個經紀人的職責。否則的話,你最好不要去承接産業管理的責任。出了事是非常嚴重的。


6.12.7: Agent’s Duty 經紀人的工作

“The preparation of leases, tax reports and other matters may involve legal and accounting services beyond the province of the property manager. In such cases, professional counsel should be obtained. On the other hand, it is the property manager who normally engages maintenance workers, contractors, subcontractors, and others. The property manager must get the full name, address, and proper tax identification numbers from all such individuals. When and if their annual compensation meets or exceeds the taxable amount, the proper IRS 1099 form must be sent to these individuals and to the appropriate governmental agencies.”


6.12.8: Accounting Records 帳戶的記錄

“A property manager must have knowledge of accounting procedures and cost accounting. The broker will need to maintain complex trust account records and make regular reports to the owner.
The maintenance of an adequate trust fund accounting system is necessary due to the fiduciary relationship between the real estate broker and the property owner. An accurate record must be kept of all trust funds passing through the broker’s hands. The property manager must comply with the laws and regulations concerning trust accounts and records.”



6.12.9: Rental Schedule 調查房租

“In establishing the rental schedule, the property manager must make a thorough neighborhood analysis by doing a market survey of rents for comparable buildings. Rent levels, generally, are established on the basis of scarcity and comparability of values. The manager must know the building thoroughly, assess its values objectively, then survey all of the “competition” buildings in whatever limits the manager sets for the neighborhood. The manager must then analyze:
1. The character of the buildings and amenities of the neighborhood.
2. Economic level, family size, and age groups.
3. Trends in number of occupants per unit.
4. Availability of transportation, recreation, shopping, churches, and schools.
5. Physical aspects as well as lot coverage.
6. The breadth and growth of local industries.
7. Population growth trends.
8. Personal income range, financial capacity, and stability of income.
9. Growth and expansion of the community.
10. Condition of the housing market in terms of inventory on the market, sales price range, new construction, and vacancy.
After a thorough analysis, the property manager will prepare a rent schedule that will bring the maximum income obtainable, consistent with good economics.”

1. 他必須要瞭解他周圍附近相類似産業的狀況,條件
2. 他必須要瞭解這個附近整個社區,整個地區裏面, 都是哪一類的家庭,哪一類的家庭的大小,哪一類的年齡層次。
3. 他必須要對於每一個房子裏面所住的人的趨勢,比如說,現在比較流行的屬於兩房,屬於小家庭,或流行的三房,是屬於比較大的家庭。
4. 經紀人必須對這個産業附近的交通休閒,購物,教會以人種的情況要瞭解清楚,在出租的時候可以作爲一個附帶的說明。
5. 他必須對於整個他所管理産業的狀況,以及他的土地的大小,房屋的新舊,有個瞭解。
6. 經理人必須對於整個地區,産業所在的地區,他的一個經濟發展的趨勢,價格發展的趨勢有一個瞭解。
7. 他必須對於這個地區人口成長的因素,作一個瞭解,是年輕人比較多,還是白領階層的人比較多,還是老年人比較多呢,對於人口的趨勢要有一個瞭解。
8. 對於這個地區裏面的收入狀況,有一個瞭解情況,是屬於低等收入的地區呢,還是屬於中等收入的地區呢,還是屬於高等收入地區。
9. 他必須對於整個社區的一個成長的狀況有個瞭解,有的社區,他們是限制成長,有的社區是快速成長,有的社區是慢速成長,所以社區發展的狀況,對於你這個産業經濟的因素,房租的因素,都會産生影響。
10. 對於整個市場上的一個銷售的價格,空屋率的狀況,新蓋房屋的狀況,銷售價格出租價格的狀況,必須要有一個瞭解,這樣你才有一個整盤的分析,就可對他的業主,提出一個分析報告,然後,說明他的産業最合理的,最高的價格,可以租到多少,如何來經營管理,如何來應付周圍附近的競爭。

6.12.10: Merchandising the Space 招租的工作

“All of the activities relating to property management are useless unless the property manager knows how to effectively merchandise the space available for rent. Various methods of merchandising include: business cards, newspaper ads, signs on the property, radio and television advertising, brochures and fliers, billboard advertising, business contacts, and tenant referrals.”

當産業管理的經理人,知道他管理的産業有空屋的時候, 他必須事先作一個招租的準備工作, 他要根據市場上的一個狀況,用刊登報紙廣告的方式,或者是在産業門口掛一個招租的方式,或者透過電視電臺等廣告,或者是散發傳單的方式,或者是用上電腦的方式,等等,用這種方式來處理他的招租事宜。

6.12.11: Maintenance 維護的方針

“The property manager must establish and maintain sound policies for the maintenance of the building and purchasing of supplies and services. However, if all of the building’s income is used for expenditures, leaving the owner no profit, the dissatisfied owner will seek the services of another property manager. It is the responsibility of the property manager to routinely inspect the building and know its current, as well as deferred maintenance needs. The property manager should
have access to skilled specialists for repair and maintenance work, unless the resident manager is personally skilled to perform necessary repairs. In either case, the property manager must correct the building’s repair/maintenance problems as soon as they are discovered. It is less expensive to make repairs immediately than to delay action and allow the problem to worsen. Ongoing preventive maintenance to reduce the need for large maintenance expenditures should be the goal of all property managers. This approach makes good sense and, ultimately, provides more profit for the owner. The property manager must also supervise all purchasing operations, with the emphasis on obtaining the best value possible for the owner’s money.”


6.12.12: Tenant Relationships 房客與房東的關係

“Tenants want to get the most they can for their rental dollar and feel safe in their surroundings. The property manager must set policies which will give tenants the most benefits commensurate with a proper return to the owner. Effort expended for tenant retention will result in more satisfied residents and increased profits for the owner. Here, the manager has to use experience and courtesy as well as psychology.”



6.12.13: Managua Employs 選擇監督的修理

“The property manager employs almost all the people working on the premises and provides for their instruction and supervision. The manager must know the “what, how and when” of each employee’s job. The success or failure of the management operation often depends on the property manager’s ability to choose, train, direct and retain personnel. An effective staff will keep vacancies and maintenance costs at a minimum, thus contributing to the project’s profitability.”


6.12.14: Vacancies 空屋原因

“There are many reasons why a rental space might be unintentionally vacant: improper rent required; space not ready to rent; resident manager not “selling” effectively; an inattentive manager; poor resident retention program; unappealing facade or public areas; no traffic or lookers; and high vacancy factor in area. Successful managers are continually alert to these factors and make appropriate adjustments in marketing strategies and personnel where indicated.”


6.12.15: Reports to Owner 向業主報告負責

“The property manager must set up and maintain proper records, making regular reports to the owner that are easily understandable and that cover all operations. It is also recommended that the property manager provide not only a monthly accounting to the property owner, but also a detailed annual statement. By means of such annual statements, the property manager can assess the fluctuations of income and expense and formulate future rental, maintenance and employee policies.”


6.12.16: Earnings 管理報酬

“Management fees can be either a flat amount per month, a percentage of the gross rents collected, or a combination of the two. Property managers usually base their fees on a percentage of the gross rents collected. This may vary from 3 percent on large structures to as high as 20 percent on individual houses or small buildings. In some resort areas with high turnover rates and short terms of occupancy, as much as 50 percent of the gross rent is charged as a fee for renting a property. In addition to the fees collected on rentals, the property manager frequently receives additional compensation for the renewal of leases and for supervising major repairs or alterations. Salaries for supervisors in a management company, resident managers, and office building managers depend largely upon local conditions and vary with geographical areas of the country, size of the city, and the size of the building. Additionally, care must be taken to comply with the minimum wage law.”

産業管理公司,向業主徵收的管理報酬費用,分成兩種,一種就是一個固定的費用,每一個月不管有多少工作,收個固定費用;第二種是按照管理産業的總收入的百分之幾,來徵收,或者是兩者混合在一起,哪個高,收哪一個,一般來說,産業管理的經紀人,都是按照産業管理房租的百分比來收,這個百分比的徵收,法律並沒有限制是多少,這是經紀人跟業主之間的談判;一般來說,産業的管理費是要看這個産業管理的複雜性來決定他的報酬。如果是非常簡單的小房子,每一個月收收房租,然後存款,修理修理,一般來說是3% 左右;假如複雜一點,他的報酬就可能很高;商業的大樓,也是看他管理容易程度,風險程度,來作決定;度假村或者屬於短期出租而流量非常大的這種辦公樓,工作非常的繁忙,經理公司必須要另外請員工來處理日常的業務,所以他的費用就比一般的高;産業管理除了正常報酬以外,他也許還有額外的報酬;比如說,房客續租的時候,房東也會給他一些報酬,傭金;或者是在修理時候,請經紀人現場監工的話,有一些額外的報酬;産業管理公司,是必須要有經紀人執照,但是在管理公司裏面所聘請的雇員,比如說,住在現場的經理或者是一幢樓的管理人,辦公樓的管理員或者是其他的修理人等等,如果是按薪水的話,薪水的多少,按各縣市政府的規定,要特別注意勞工法法規,有基本薪金和保險的規定,以及作爲業主的一些規定。

說明:按照法規的規定,産業的管理也許是一個有執照的管理公司,或者是一個有執照的房地産經理,在他的房地産 公司裏面附設管理部門,總之,這個産業管理公司,或者産業管理的經理人,都必須要有房地産經理的執照;但是由房地産經理人或者管理公司派到現場,去負責代收租金,修理等等這些人,就不一定要有房地産的執照,或經紀人的執照。因此一個産業管理公司,他必須要衡量他自己的開支,然後才能決定他所要徵收業主的報酬。

6.12.B: Landlord Tenant Right 主客權

6.12.17: Professional Organization 産業管理經紀協會

“In 1933, to foster professionalism and provide a source of management experience data, a group of property management firms organized the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). To be a member, a property management firm was required to certify that it would adhere to the following guidelines: Having agreed upon this fundamental thesis, the members of IREM undertook to reorganize into a truly professional society, with membership restricted to individuals. Now, individuals meeting the educational and experience requirements are designated as Certified Property Managers© (CPM©). A lesser degree of training and on-site experience qualifies an individual as an Accredited Residential Manager© (ARM©). A firm that meets IREM’s guidelines and utilizes at least one CPM© can be designated as an Accredited Management Organization© (AMO©).”


說明:一般房地産公司都是從事房地産的交易買賣,但是有的房地産公司或經理人,他專門做産業的管理, 他最好要派人去受過專業的訓練。這樣子,他的公司就變成一個被公認的管理公司,他對於産業管理的各項法規,要求標準都是符合全美國的標準,這樣的産業公司就可以承接許多的産業管理工作。一般如果是小型的房子或者是小型的公寓,小型的建築,也許會使用個別的經理人來管理。或者是業主直接管理。稍微大一點的,承擔風險多一點的,最好能夠找專業的管理公司來管理。

6.12.18: Separate Account 分別銀行帳戶


6.12.19: Bond 忠貞保險


6.12.20: Relate 回扣


6.12.21: Type of Managers 産業管理形態

“There are three types of property managers: the individual property manager, the individual building manager, and the resident manager. The individual property manager is usually a real estate broker who manages properties for various owners or an owner. The property manager may be a member of a small property management firm and devote full time to property management; or, he may own his own firm; or, he may be one of a number of property management specialists in a large real estate organization. Some property managers are asset managers and make the same types of decisions that an owner would relative to change of use, refinancing and sale. Asset managers frequently supervise other CPM’s.”

第一種叫個別的産業管理的經理,一般來說,都是産業管理的經紀執照,或者經理,他管理他自己的産業,或者一些親朋好友的産業;這個産業管理的經理人,也許自己會成立小型的産業管理公司,或者自己到産業管理公司去工作;他有執照,全職在做産業管理的工作;另外一個,他也許在一個大型房地産公司裏面,專門負責房地産的管理部門等等,也有的産業經理同時也做資産管理,對於消費者,對於業主,同時也協助業者去重新貸款,或者必要的時候,幫他出售房産,買賣房産, 這是第一種房地産經理人産業管理形態。

6.12.22: Building Manager 大樓管理

“The individual building manager may be employed by a property manager or directly by
an owner, and usually manages a single large property.”


6.12.23: Resident Manager 住場管理

“The resident manager may be employed by a real estate broker or a managing agent or
an owner to manage an apartment building on a part or full-time basis.”



6.12.24: Management Firm 管理公司

“Firms doing a large volume of business and having a sales force may wish to consider the possibility of bonding the unlicensed office assistants so that they can legally handle clients’ funds. Corporations and many limited partnerships may impose this bonding requirement and require individual bonding rather than a “blanket bond.” The accountant may be able to consider various aspects of the accounting system and to devise methods to assist the broker in keeping control of the trust funds.”

按照法規的規定,所有客戶的錢,收入的租金的處理,都必須要有執照的房地産經理來親自處理,但是假如這個産業公司相當大,管理的産業又非常的多,這個産業公司 主管或者經理人或者有執照的經理,就沒有辦法直接來管理這些收支帳目;那么,按照法律的規定,如果這個經理請的是雇員,職員,或者是沒有處理管理這些帳目收支的話,必須買一個忠貞的保險。以防這些 職員算錯了帳;或者是挪用了公款,甚至於卷款而逃。



6.12.25: Exception 執照例外

“Some Managers and Employees Exempt 10131.01. (a) Subdivision (b) of Section 10131 does not apply to (1) the manager of a hotel, motel, auto and trailer park, to the resident manager of an apartment building, apartment complex, or to the employees of that manager.
Or (2) any person or entity, including a person employed by a real estate broker, who, on behalf of another or others, solicits or arrangers, or paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 1940 of the Civil Code, in a dwelling unit in a common interest development, as defined in Section 1351 of the Civil Code, in a dwelling unit in an apartment building or complex, or in a single-family home,
Or (3) any person other than the resident manager or employees of that manager, performing the following functions residential apartment building or complex or court and who is performing under the supervision and control of a broker of record who is an employee of that property management firm or a salesperson licensed to the broker who meets certain minimum requirements as specified in a regulation issued by the commissioner.”

1. 旅館的經理,活動房屋的經理以及住在地的經理及管理人,或者是在樓的管理員,公寓的管理員,或者是管理公司的員工,是不需要有經紀執照。
2. 如果是産業公司的經理人的員工,或者他指派的人來從事於幫他協助幫他簡單工作的人不需要有經紀的執照。
3. 産業管理公司的員工,他是在公司裏面來負責來管理公寓或者是大樓,他在有執照的房地産經紀經理的監督授權以及管理之下,來從事於有關的工作時候,他不需要有特別的經紀執照。或者是一個有房地産經紀執照的經紀人,在産業公司裏面負責産業管理的工作。他從事下面這幾項工作:

A. 一個産業公司的經理,或者有執照的經紀人,當他請的是一些沒有執照的人在從事一些部分工作協助時,他必須要有監督管理的責任,
B. 當一個産業管理公司或者經理人他聘雇沒有執照的人來從事産業管理的工作,或者協助産業管理的工作的時候,他必須要非常的小心,必須要符合商專法規10131條的規定。同時還要符合其他法規的規定。